Peer Review Process for Publication

1. Submission: Authors submit their work (e.g., articles, research papers) to the journal (in this case, “Jurnal Yadim”. The submission is reviewed for suitability and relevance.

2. Double Blind Peer Review:Submitted work is evaluated by anonymous experts in the field. These experts assess the quality, validity, and significance of the manuscript's content. Authors receive feedback for revisions, ensuring an objective evaluation process.

3. Editing: Accepted submissions are edited for clarity, consistency, and adherence to style guidelines.

4. Proofreading: The final version is proofread to catch any errors or inconsistencies.

5. Layout: Layout design ensures visual appeal and readability.

6. Final Corrections: Any last-minute corrections are made.

7. Publication and Distribution: The corrected work is published. Distribution channels (print, online,        etc.) are used to disseminate it.

8. The publication process is complete.



1. Authors submit their work: Authors prepare their manuscripts according to the guidelines provided by "Jurnal Yadim" and submit their articles or research papers through the journal's submission system. This could be an online platform or a direct email submission, depending on the journal's preferences.

2. The submission is reviewed for suitability and relevance: The editorial team at "Jurnal Yadim" checks the initial submission to ensure it aligns with the journal's scope, focus, and submission criteria. This preliminary review is to filter out any submissions that are not appropriate for the journal.>

Double Blind Peer Review

1. The submitted work undergoes double blind peer review: The editorial team sends the manuscript to experts in the relevant field for a more in-depth evaluation. These experts, known as peer reviewers, are chosen for their expertise in the subject matter of the manuscript. The reviewers' identities are kept anonymous from the authors, and the authors' identities are also concealed from the reviewers to prevent any potential bias.

2. Experts evaluate the quality, validity, and significance of the content: Peer reviewers assess the manuscript's originality, methodology, analysis, conclusions, and overall contribution to the field. They check for the accuracy of the data, the validity of the arguments, and the relevance of the findings. The anonymity of both parties allows for a more objective assessment of the manuscript.

3. Feedback is provided to authors for revisions: Based on the peer reviewers' comments, the editorial team provides feedback to the authors. This feedback may include suggestions for revisions, additional experiments, clarifications, or rewrites. Authors are expected to address these comments in their manuscript. The double blind process ensures that the feedback is given and received without any influence from personal biases or reputations.


Accepted submissions are edited for clarity, consistency, and adherence to style guidelines: Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication, it goes through a professional editing process. This includes copyediting for grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as ensuring that the manuscript adheres to the journal's style guide.


The final version is proofread to catch any errors or inconsistencies: Before the manuscript is published, it undergoes a final proofreading stage. This step is crucial for identifying and correcting any remaining errors that may have been missed during the editing process.


Layout design ensures visual appeal and readability: The edited manuscript is then formatted for publication. This involves designing the layout, including the placement of figures, tables, and references, to ensure the final document is visually appealing and easy to read.

Publication and Distribution

1. The corrected work is published: Once all corrections have been made, the manuscript is ready for publication. It is published in the journal, which could be in print, online, or both, depending on the journal's distribution methods.

2. Distribution channels (print, online, etc.) are used to disseminate it: The published work is distributed through various channels to reach the intended audience. This could include mailing printed copies to subscribers, uploading the article to the journal's website, or indexing the article in academic databases.

Final Corrections

1. Any last-minute corrections are made: In the rare case that any significant errors are discovered after publication, the journal may issue errata or corrigenda to correct them. This ensures the integrity of the published work.

2. The publication process is complete: With all corrections made and the work distributed, the publication process for the manuscript is considered complete. Authors can now cite their published work, and readers can access and cite it in their own research.