براعة الشيخان (البخاري ومسلم) في صناعة الأسانيد وتحويلها للمتن الواحد The Ingenuity of The Two Sheikhs (Bukhari And Muslim) in Making Chains of Narrations and Converting Them to a Single Text

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Siti Mursyidah Mohd Zin
Phayilah Yama @Fadilah Zakaria Yama
Farhah Zaidar Mohd Ramli


Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim which are known as Sahihayn are one of the most important sources in the hadith collection, and both are regarded as the most authentic books after the Holy Qur’an. It is also acknowledged that the hadith is the second source in Islamic legislation. The methodology of this research is to extrapolate and trace in the book of Sahihayn in order to obtain the hadith in the same wording, and the isnad in symbol of ‘ha’ (ح) which can be defined as tahwil as has been used in both Sahihayn. This study aims to describe the differences between the two approaches of the Hadith scholars: Imam al-Bukhari and Muslim in their use of ‘ha’ (ح) as the conversion of the chain of transmission in their Sahihs. Undeniably, Imam Muslim applied this method of tahwil more than Imam al-Bukhari who applied it very few in the sanad, so this study attempts to analyze the comparison of two hadiths of equal wording and discover the difference between them in the chain of transmission by visualizing through syajaratul asanid on the chain of narrators, in order to show the extent of their proficiency in making the conversion of the chain of transmission. Therefore, the finding of this study will help the students to know the purpose of tahwil in the sanad, methods of continuity the sanad as well as methods in transmitting and receiving the hadith, and knowledge of the sanad cycle.


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