CABARAN WANITA BEKERJAYA DALAM MENGURUS RUMAHTANGGA DI ERA PANDEMIK COVID-19 The Challenges of Career Woman in Managing a Household in The Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Main Article Content
The involvement of women in the country’s economic development nowadays has
broaden from various sectors as compared to the past, both directly and indirectly.
In March 2020, the Malaysian government declared a ‘Movement Control Order’
(MCO) following the Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world to curb the spread
of the pandemic. The implementation of the MCO has had an impact on society including the career women. Some industries had to be stopped for a while and
some were even ordered to work from home. This has become a new norm for
most workers, including female employees. However, this situation has certainly
become more challenging for women in fulfilling their commitments as employees
and household managers. Hence, this article aims to identify the challenges faced
by these people in managing their households during the Covid-19 pandemic. The
methodology of the study used is qualitative using the design of content analysis.
Data collection is done through analysis of content from journals, newspapers,
books and written reports. The results of the study showed that there are several
challenges that can be seen both physically and mentally. Among these challenges
are financial problems, poor time management, childcare and workload. Among
the challenges faced by the mental aspects are emotional distress and feelings.
Hence, the existing support and assistance system should be geared towards
improvements to ensure the well-being of the household in line with the concept
of the National Family Policy (NSC).
Article Details
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