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The use of persuasive technology in da’wah is a technique to raise awareness of the importance of changing perceptions and behaviours for health care in the use of the COVID-19 vaccine. Surveys of several countries including Singapore show there is still a part in the Malay community that is hesitant to receive the vaccine even for free. The result shows that the elderly are still sceptical about the COVID-19 vaccine even though they are at a higher risk of being infected. This paper aims to discuss and analyse the concept of persuasive technology from an Islamic and Western perspective to ensure that the use of persuasive technology in da’wah can be applied according to their existing understanding. Both conceptual analysis and empirical observation were used throughout this study to collect data related to the problems mentioned and then analysed. This study shows that persuasive technology can be successfully applied in da’wah through communication strategies and preferred channels to obtain more information on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines and equity issues by continuing to provide strong policy messages and support.
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