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This article aims to explore rarely and forgotten dimensions of political discourse in Singapore that influenced by Habib Nuh. The study discusses the contribution of Habib Nuh’s Islamic teaching and notion to political landscape in contemporary of Singapore secular state. Habib Nuh, who was from the pre-war era, is well known and revered by many in South East Asia and was admired by both Muslim and non-Muslim. He achieved fame from his thinks, unique and distinct lifestyle and saintly miracles which continued till after his death. His tomb frequented by visitor from various ethnic group and religion, so represent the religious and cultural diversity that make Singapore a beacon of cosmopolitanism among the great cities of Asia. This study uses descriptive and analytical methods as well as oral history. The results of this research highlight two conclusions. Firstly, Habib Nuh evoked the spirit of nationalism into the soul of the Malay Muslims of Singapore, leading them to have the courage to resist the arrogance and end the political domination of the British colonialists in Singapore. Secondly, Habib Nuh introduced the foundations of Islamic politics that emphasises a politics of multiculturalism that forms the political situation in contemporary period in Singapore.
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