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Muhammad Nur Farhan Zamziba
Basirah Abu Bakar
Rabiatul Fatimah Azzahra Rashid
Muhammad Syahir Mohd Fadzil
Mohd Aqwa Ramlan
Nurul Aina Syafiqa Norhairudin Anis


This research explores the nuanced dimensions of leadership and accountability values as articulated in Al-Quran Al-Karim, the holy book of Islam. Grounded in the Quranic principles, the study investigates the ethical dimensions of leadership, emphasizing qualities such as integrity, justice, and responsibility. It delves into Quranic verses that outline the obligations of leaders, examining the multifaceted nature of accountability within the context of divine guidance. The research employs a hermeneutic approach to interpret and analyze relevant Quranic verses, shedding light on the profound insights that Al-Quran Al-Karim offers for contemporary discussions on ethical leadership and accountability. The expected contribution of this study lies in providing a deeper understanding of the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the Quranic perspective on leadership values and the inherent connection between leadership and accountability.


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Al-Quran Al-Karim.

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