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Muhammad Syahmi Mohd Kamil



The emergence of the Abu Sayyaf group (ASG) and the Royal Sulu Army (RSA) is often linked to militant activities in Sabah. But behind these two militant groups there are differences and inequalities in the background of their emergence and expansion strategy in Sabah. Therefore, this study aims to highlight past studies related to the background and expansion strategies that focus on building ideas and theories that can identify the comparative relationship between the Abu Sayyaf group and the Royal Sulu Army in Sabah through the ideology, strategy and values of this militant group. Literature analysis was conducted to find justification and comparison on the importance of uncovering the expansion strategy of militant groups involving ASG and RSA in Sabah. This is a qualitative study based on content analysis methods. Highlights of this literature found that the application of this comparative study is able to find specific methods in identifying similarities and differences in the background of the emergence and development strategies involving these two militant groups in Sabah as well as enlighten the relationship between these two militant groups.

Keywords: Abu Sayyaf, Royal Sulu Army, Expansion Strategy, Sabah


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