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Siti Noor Farahin M Fariddudin
Khadijah Mohd Khambali @ Hambali
Syed Mohammad Hilmi Syed Abdul Rahman


The process of raising a Muslim generation has become increasingly challenging with the development of the borderless digital world especially in nurturing the social aspect. Even the social media gives a lot of positive impacts to children but their social dimension in the real life still have to be improved. The social exposure applied at the school level by teachers alone is not enough to create awareness for the child as the demands on parental commitment in educating the child starts from the beginning of their life at home. Parents have a role to train them in social skills so that they are able to think maturely so as to distinguish between good and bad. However, reference materials on the reinforcement of this social aspect are still not well-studied, especially in the context of the perspective of al-Sunnah even though the Prophet SAW provided adequate guidelines to be practised in family life. Therefore, this study explores some of the foundations that stimulate the social dimension in the child according to al-Sunnah as discussed in the book Manḥaj al-Tarbiah al-Nabawiyyah li al-Ṭifl by Muḥammad Nur ‘Abd. Al-Hāfiẓ Suwayd. The methodology used to collect data was textual study and analysis was done using inductive, deductive and takhrij al-hadith methods. The results of the study showed eight very significant foundations that could be implemented by parents in the social development process of their children so as to achieve the balance in his life and the self - confidence in resisting the currents of modernity.


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