JURNAL YADIM : International Journal Of Islam And Contemporary Affairs (E-ISSN 2785-8898) is an international academic refereed and open access online journal. It is first published in 2021. JURNAL YADIM published twice a year in June and December by the YADIM Research Management Centre (YRMC). Reviewers are appointed from external sources, not affiliated with the Editorial Office.
JURNAL YADIM publishes research articles, and book reviews under the themes related to dakwah (propagation) issues, administration of Islamic and community affairs. It covers issues and topics on (but not limited to) economics, finance, socio-culture, psychology, history, law, environment, technological media, health and others that are discussed theoretically, scientifically and practically from the perspective of dakwah especially from the Southeast Asian region and worldwide.
JURNAL YADIM aims to provide platform for academics and professionals to write, discuss and introduce new analysis, concepts and ideas involving issues related to dakwah and Islamic teachings.
JURNAL YADIM publishes articles in Malay or English or Arabic. There is no article publication charge.
JURNAL YADIM is owned, funded and managed by Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM), and the copyright belongs to YADIM.
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JURNAL YADIM : International Journal of Islam and Contemporary Affairs (E-ISSN: 2785-8898)
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Current Issue
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): JURNAL YADIM International Journal of Islam and Contemporary Affairs