JURNAL YADIM : International Journal of Islam and Contemporary Affairs https://e-jurnal.yadim.com.my/index.php/jurnal-yadim en-US jurnalyadim@yadim.com.my (JURNAL YADIM ) jurnalyadim@yadim.com.my (Technical Support Team) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 MADRASAH IDRISIAH SEBAGAI MODEL INSTITUSI PENDIDIKAN GERAKAN ISLAH DI MALAYSIA https://e-jurnal.yadim.com.my/index.php/jurnal-yadim/article/view/125 <p>History has witnessed that Madrasahs or religious schools were the birthplace of many prominent scholars as well as fighters for the independence. There are several educational institutions that have made significant contributions as early as the 20th century and among them is Madrasah Idrisiah in Perak. As compared to other educational institutions, Madrasah Idrisiah is unique as it was founded by Sultan Idris Mursyidul Adzam Shah I who dedicated his wealth to develop the Madrasah based on the concept of <em>waqf.</em> Madrasah Idrisiah has its own tradition and approach to education that uphold the idea of ​​integration of knowledge. Along with its 100th anniversary (1922-2022), Madrasah Idrisiah has made a very meaningful contribution to the I<em>slah</em> Movement in Malaysia by producing open-minded and rational thinkers who become agents of enlightenment and change in society. Madrasah Idrisiah has proven that the religious education system founded by the Sultan and supported by the Ulama that emphasizes on the integration of knowledge is highly relevant and able to make a significant contribution to the Islah movement. This article uses qualitative research methods by using data collection methods and analyzing information from existing references.</p> Zulkifli Hasan Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL YADIM : International Journal of Islam and Contemporary Affairs https://e-jurnal.yadim.com.my/index.php/jurnal-yadim/article/view/125 Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 LEADERSHIP AND ACCOUNTABILITY VALUES IN THE PERSPECTIVES OF AL-QURAN AL-KARIM https://e-jurnal.yadim.com.my/index.php/jurnal-yadim/article/view/157 <p>This research explores the nuanced dimensions of leadership and accountability values as articulated in Al-Quran Al-Karim, the holy book of Islam. Grounded in the Quranic principles, the study investigates the ethical dimensions of leadership, emphasizing qualities such as integrity, justice, and responsibility. It delves into Quranic verses that outline the obligations of leaders, examining the multifaceted nature of accountability within the context of divine guidance. The research employs a hermeneutic approach to interpret and analyze relevant Quranic verses, shedding light on the profound insights that Al-Quran Al-Karim offers for contemporary discussions on ethical leadership and accountability. The expected contribution of this study lies in providing a deeper understanding of the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the Quranic perspective on leadership values and the inherent connection between leadership and accountability.</p> Muhammad Nur Farhan Zamziba, Basirah Abu Bakar, Rabiatul Fatimah Azzahra Rashid, Muhammad Syahir Mohd Fadzil, Mohd Aqwa Ramlan, Nurul Aina Syafiqa Norhairudin Anis Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL YADIM : International Journal of Islam and Contemporary Affairs https://e-jurnal.yadim.com.my/index.php/jurnal-yadim/article/view/157 Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 PELAKSANAAN DAN PENERIMAAN PROGRAM YADIM PEDULI DALAM MELESTARIKAN BANTUAN KEMANUSIAAN https://e-jurnal.yadim.com.my/index.php/jurnal-yadim/article/view/182 <p>Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM) merupakan sebuah organisasi dakwah yang menandai evolusi dakwah secara berorganisasi di negara ini. Sebagai sebuah badan yang berusaha menjalankan kegiatan dan menyelaraskan aktiviti dakwah dari pelbagai badan dakwah di Malaysia. Berdasarkan kepada tujuan penubuhan YADIM sebagaimana yang termaktub dalam Surat Ikatan Amanah YADIM bertarikh 25 Januari 1974 bersamaan 1 Muharram 1394H ialah; “<em>Memperkembangkan ugama Islam dan amnya bagi maksud kerja-kerja pendidikan, sosial dan kebajikan”</em>. Oleh yang demikian, YADIM memiliki strategi dan manhaj tertentu terutama menyusun bantuan kemanusiaan, kebajikan dan kecemasan terhadap sasaran yang memerlukan melalui <em>signature </em>YADIM PEDULI. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti program-program bantuan kemanusiaan yang dijalankan oleh YADIM dan menganalisis penerimaan masyarakat terhadapnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah secara kuantitatif bagi menganalisis penerimaan masyarakat terhadap program bantuan kemanusiaan yang dijalankan melalui YADIM PEDULI. Kajian mendapati, YADIM PEDULI aktif dalam aktiviti membantu golongan asnaf, pesakit kronik, orang kelainan upaya (OKU), ibu tunggal, mualaf, anak yatim termasuk mangsa-mangsa bencana alam serta golongan lain yang memerlukan. Sumbangan antaranya berbentuk barangan keperluan harian atau wang ringgit diberikan kepada masyarakat yang beragama Islam mahupun bukan Islam. Penerimaan masyarakat terhadap program ini adalah menggalakkan</p> Juwairiah Hassan, Nor Raudah Hj Siren, Masitah Esa Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL YADIM : International Journal of Islam and Contemporary Affairs https://e-jurnal.yadim.com.my/index.php/jurnal-yadim/article/view/182 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 HABIB NUH’S CONTRIBUTION IN CONTEMPORARY OF SINGAPORE POLITICS https://e-jurnal.yadim.com.my/index.php/jurnal-yadim/article/view/175 <p>This article aims to explore rarely and forgotten dimensions of political discourse in Singapore that influenced by Habib Nuh. The study discusses the contribution of Habib Nuh’s Islamic teaching and notion to political landscape in contemporary of Singapore secular state. Habib Nuh, who was from the pre-war era, is well known and revered by many in South East Asia and was admired by both Muslim and non-Muslim. He achieved fame from his thinks, unique and distinct lifestyle and saintly miracles which continued till after his death. His tomb frequented by visitor from various ethnic group and religion, so represent the religious and cultural diversity that make Singapore a beacon of cosmopolitanism among the great cities of Asia. This study uses descriptive and analytical methods as well as oral history. The results of this research highlight two conclusions. Firstly, Habib Nuh evoked the spirit of nationalism into the soul of the Malay Muslims of Singapore, leading them to have the courage to resist the arrogance and end the political domination of the British colonialists in Singapore. Secondly, Habib Nuh introduced the foundations of Islamic politics that emphasises a politics of multiculturalism that forms the political situation in contemporary period in Singapore.</p> Mujar Ibnu Sharif Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL YADIM : International Journal of Islam and Contemporary Affairs https://e-jurnal.yadim.com.my/index.php/jurnal-yadim/article/view/175 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 PERANAN PENDAKWAH MENERUSI KONSEP AL-HIKMAH KEPADA MUALAF: SATU SOROTAN AWAL MENERUSI PERSPEKTIF AL-QURAN https://e-jurnal.yadim.com.my/index.php/jurnal-yadim/article/view/215 <p>The preacher is an individual who is responsible for perfecting the delivery of message da'wah to the entire society, especially to the specific groups such as new muslim converts (mualaf) with wisdom. The delivery of da'wah with the concept of Al-Hikmah is one of the significant branches in the scope of delivering da'wah by preachers. Therefore, very importance to the preacher's in delivering da'wah using the concept of Al-Hikmah in their delivery so that it can be well received by converts. Thus, the objective of this study is to examine the role of preachers in delivering the message of da'wah to converts based on the concept of Al-Hikmah from the perspective of the Quran. This study employs a qualitative method, which is documentation research, supplemented with evidence from the Quran, hadith, and the views of several da'wah experts to converts. The results of the study found that the role of preachers based on the concept of al-hikmah shows good acceptance in converts in order to practice preaching messages pointing to aspects of faith, sharia and morals. This is because the concept of Al-Hikmah, which is wise and gentle is more easily accepted by the converts who have just tamed their hearts.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> role, preacher, concept of al-hikmah, converts, al-Quran.</em></p> AINI SOFIA CHE DAUD, Berhanundin Abdullah Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL YADIM : International Journal of Islam and Contemporary Affairs https://e-jurnal.yadim.com.my/index.php/jurnal-yadim/article/view/215 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800